issue/finish-factions-and-banking #2

jkibbels merged 11 commits from issue/finish-factions-and-banking into dev 2025-02-01 19:26:22 +00:00

This is all the work from factions and banking that has been done over the past couple months. Making a pull request now and will respectively put the rest of the work on their own branches because this is finally in its own comfortable area

This is all the work from factions and banking that has been done over the past couple months. Making a pull request now and will respectively put the rest of the work on their own branches because this is finally in its own comfortable area
walrus was assigned by jkibbels 2025-01-27 03:20:56 +00:00
jkibbels added 10 commits 2025-01-27 03:20:57 +00:00
[factions-banking] Correct faction block GUI draw slot positions with new gui
Some checks are pending
build / build (21) (push) Waiting to run
[factions-banking] Added faction attachment to block. Still a bit buggy
Some checks are pending
build / build (21) (push) Waiting to run
[factions-banking] More updates
Some checks failed
build / build (21) (push) Has been cancelled
[factions-banking] Final commit for this branch that has grown out of control. The other stuff will be added in their own respective branches
Some checks failed
build / build (21) (push) Has been cancelled
build / build (21) (pull_request) Has been cancelled
jkibbels self-assigned this 2025-01-27 03:21:28 +00:00
walrus was unassigned by jkibbels 2025-01-27 03:21:29 +00:00
jkibbels requested review from walrus 2025-01-27 03:21:38 +00:00

This is technically only a hair portion of this branch by the way - I force merged dev with this branch changes to get @walrus going on their own branch for faction beacon stuff. it's my repo so it's whatever, but the changes relevant in this code review have been changes done over the past week or so

This is technically only a hair portion of this branch by the way - I force merged dev with this branch changes to get @walrus going on their own branch for faction beacon stuff. it's my repo so it's whatever, but the changes relevant in this code review have been changes done over the past week or so
walrus requested changes 2025-01-28 21:37:59 +00:00
walrus left a comment

This is a long change

This is a long change
@ -33,1 +40,3 @@
private void ApplyEffects(ServerPlayerEntity player) {
private Integer GetBeaconAmplifier(FactionTierEnum tier) {
switch (tier) {
case TIER_I:

you should leave a commet saying TIER_I has no effects this could be confusing

you should leave a commet saying TIER_I has no effects this could be confusing
@ -118,4 +139,2 @@
/// @param[in] The new default account global account identifier
/// @return Changes the players default account at a selected bank

replace this doxygen part?

replace this doxygen part?
jkibbels marked this conversation as resolved
@ -68,0 +73,4 @@
if (!playerSelectedBank.isEmpty()) {
IndividualBank bank = GetBankByName(playerSelectedBank);
Optional<Integer> amount = bank.GetAccountBalance(AccountNumberGenerator.GetAccountNumberFromId(playerConfigs.get(player.getUuidAsString()).defaultSelectedAccount));
if (amount.isPresent()) {

if this actually works id be impressed with it >_>

if this actually works id be impressed with it >_>
jkibbels marked this conversation as resolved
@ -145,2 +147,2 @@
Integer remaining = accountBalance - amount;
success = (remaining < 0 && !allowNegativeBalance);
int remaining = accountBalance - amount;
success = (remaining >= 0 || allowNegativeBalance);

is allowNegativeBalance a method?

is allowNegativeBalance a method?
jkibbels marked this conversation as resolved
@ -415,4 +410,0 @@
/// @param[in] newAlias is name to give this account
/// @brief Alias an account

smeems wrong to get rid of this Doxygen and replace it with in code comments are we not using doxygen?

smeems wrong to get rid of this Doxygen and replace it with in code comments are we not using doxygen?
@ -4,3 +3,1 @@
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.*;

is this actually nessesary? or is this alot of extra imports IE:

is this actually nessesary? or is this alot of extra imports IE:
@ -37,3 +35,3 @@
// KBIC will ensure an amount of money based on its trustworthiness to a bank and the number of holders it has.
private Integer kbicInsuredAmount = 0;
private Integer kbicInsuredAmount = 75_000;
private Boolean kbicInsured = false;

maaaaaaan is it boolean or Boolean

maaaaaaan is it boolean or Boolean


@ -36,3 +27,1 @@
case GREEN:
return colorStr + "2";
return switch (code) {

:O return switch is awesome

:O return switch is awesome
jkibbels marked this conversation as resolved
@ -39,2 +32,4 @@
case GREEN -> colorStr + "2";
// If this code is reachable, then someone has not properly handled the above switch-case

no code here and also maybe use a default case: if your worried about it

no code here and also maybe use a default case: if your worried about it
jkibbels marked this conversation as resolved
@ -42,6 +55,57 @@ public class ChatMenu {
this.rightArrow = rightArrow;
private Text MakeFooter() {



? This is for making the footer in the message sent to the user

? This is for making the footer in the message sent to the user
jkibbels marked this conversation as resolved
@ -409,4 +424,0 @@
/// @return True if player is operator, false if not
public Boolean IsOperator(ServerPlayerEntity player) {

good choice to remove this is a wierd function

good choice to remove this is a wierd function
jkibbels marked this conversation as resolved
@ -22,2 +22,2 @@
BlockManager.RegisterBlock("example_statue", new Block(FabricBlockSettings.copyOf(Blocks.BELL)));
BlockManager.RegisterBlock("faction_base_block", new FactionBaseBlock(FabricBlockSettings.copyOf(Blocks.IRON_BLOCK).nonOpaque()));
BlockManager.RegisterBlock("example_statue", new Block(FabricBlockSettings.copyOf(Blocks.BELL).nonOpaque()));
BlockManager.RegisterBlock("faction_base_block", new FactionBaseBlock(FabricBlockSettings.copyOf(Blocks.COBBLESTONE).requiresTool().nonOpaque()));

did nonOpaque fix the faces not rendering issue of blocks ajacent

did nonOpaque fix the faces not rendering issue of blocks ajacent


jkibbels marked this conversation as resolved
jkibbels added 1 commit 2025-02-01 19:25:51 +00:00
[factions-banking] Start of shop keeper stuff. Not working - but on wrong branch. Oh well!
Some checks failed
build / build (21) (push) Has been cancelled
build / build (21) (pull_request) Has been cancelled
jkibbels merged commit 64236d94b6 into dev 2025-02-01 19:26:22 +00:00

This PR is closed and merged.

This PR is closed and merged.
jkibbels locked as Resolved and limited conversation to collaborators 2025-02-01 19:26:43 +00:00
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Reference: jkibbels/the_big_one#2
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