79600e942f#3 Toggleable slots alpha introduction. TODO for me later: Try not to duplicate slot name and menu names if possible
2025-02-16 16:38:08 -0500
4e080ad392#3 Added GUI support for start of shop system. Still premature, but it's finally starting to get there
2025-02-15 00:12:42 -0500
64236d94b6Merge pull request 'issue/finish-factions-and-banking' (#2) from issue/finish-factions-and-banking into dev
jkibbels2025-02-01 19:26:22 +0000
e164a489b2[factions-banking] Final commit for this branch that has grown out of control. The other stuff will be added in their own respective branches
2025-01-26 22:19:51 -0500
cb91f722e9[factions-banking] Improvements to the banking system. Produced a need-to-be-tested MVP of banking which is just wiring money and checking your balance. Still needs a ton of work
2025-01-26 21:13:58 -0500
2d926310cf[factions-banking] Added some of the commissioned art to the game to get ready to add the faction upgrades. Corrected faction block behavior to have to be unique & make it so only one can be placed. Probably some other things too
2025-01-26 00:25:07 -0500
bf3b1f6ed2[factions-banking] More updates
2025-01-20 17:38:53 -0500
a36ef1c8f1[factions-banking] Balanced some of the beacon effects, notable bugs: Flight stays active when player leaves a faction. Need to update block entity to reset player on block break!
2025-01-20 02:28:41 -0500
0ed8838de0[factions-banking] Fixed faction block to be correct faction on first place. Added faction tiers.
2025-01-20 00:20:18 -0500
fa5bc741ec[factions-banking] Added faction attachment to block. Still a bit buggy
2025-01-19 21:58:12 -0500
7d5fbca603[factions-banking] Correct faction block GUI draw slot positions with new gui
2025-01-19 20:19:31 -0500
c8e379e564[factions-banking] Huge amount of unrelated fixes with null checks + a new faction skill in the works (beacon effect). Fixed bad listener code in flight code!
2025-01-19 02:56:17 -0500
74722b465a[factions-banking] IMPLEMENT FIRST COMMISSIONED ART INTO GAMEgit br
2025-01-18 15:01:08 -0500
6d14d47e0b[factions-banking] Flight tweaks to be MWAH before I go to bed
2025-01-18 04:38:34 -0500
d274810ca4[factions-banking] Refinement on last commit with entry + exit stuff. IT WORKS!
2025-01-18 03:29:27 -0500
bcbd481fcf[factions-banking] Initial somewhat-functional system for the faction block radius detection
2025-01-18 03:10:58 -0500
f22da92cab[factions-banking] VERY start of SQL stuff for the banking system. Tables are figured out locally; implementing logic for JBDC driver here
2025-01-14 22:56:38 -0500
f6af706a60[factions-banking] Retracting clearly bad custom command stuff in banking system to make it more user friendly. Ensured commands tested before worked new in the update
2025-01-09 21:44:17 -0500
cde06d56c0[factions-banking] Necessary change to introduce MY SQL into the mod!
2025-01-02 23:05:16 -0500
ef49519368[finish-factions-banking] Moved around logger information and chat system stuff FOR capabilities of mailing system and factions. This caused a sizable re-write but it is what it is
2025-01-01 22:47:50 -0500
82ee25ee97[factions-and-banking] Commenting out yesterdays mixins since they're example only but maintaining in source code since they may be used. Added configuration file stuff to maintain UUID and name to be persistant when players log off. Updated more faction stuff as well!
2024-12-23 23:20:39 -0500
79a4738bbc[unrelated] Mixins for brother reference
2024-12-23 00:09:09 -0500
4c3e9c65aa[factions-and-banking] Extra detail
2024-12-22 22:30:42 -0500
20e0325493[factions-and-banking] More work on the faction base block + mixin example of player drop
2024-12-22 22:28:39 -0500
fc7a9e2697[pickaxe] commit for historyWalrus2024-12-21 20:36:30 -0500
a7f8504c2c[factions-banking] Updated build script to run both server and client at once properly with no options plugged in
2024-12-21 02:28:28 -0500
b6b73d96e8[finish-factions-and-banking] A few QOL commands. Block entity with working model & textures and screen handler. UPDATED MOD TO 1.20.2 IN THIS
2024-12-21 02:07:14 -0500
b4234d4b6bnormalized config files to keeblarcraft config dir inside config
2024-11-24 15:06:34 -0500
b048e34eda[MIXED] Some late state banking stuff but also critical first-day features needed for spawn building such as DIMENSION and BIOME additions. FACTIONS also begun implemented
2024-11-23 22:06:00 -0500
afbb2533e7[BANKING] Bug fixing on account number having extra digit + formatting colors for help messages. Includes setting balances with admin command too
2024-11-16 22:56:52 -0500
8ece2f2d45[BANKING] Additions in banking system in order to start getting balance changes... **UNTESTED**
2024-11-13 20:56:20 -0500
3abdf9b184[BANKING] Small bits for future
2024-11-10 01:01:44 -0500
a42d196c3c[BANKING] Some tested code that finally works for banking stuff. Much to go still, but more honed in. So much to do :(
2024-11-09 23:21:21 -0500
87afc5c8ab[BANKING] Fleshing out more banking information. Logic to populate fast-access bank account list added UNTESTED
2024-11-06 20:01:41 -0500
d8a6b7ecd9[issue/chat-system] GLOBAL CONTENT git br This branch is HIJACKED for all features now until release of server. Inclusion of more financial system; transaction data; and banking information
2024-11-04 19:45:28 -0500
5cae7ec313[issue/chat-system] **UNRELATED** Commit with necessary changes to the banking system for it to be robust enough on release of the server. ONLY banking system changes in here! COMMAND ONLY. NOTHING HOOKED UP YET IN BANK MANAGER!
2024-11-02 04:25:37 -0400
b84ebee289[5] Initial implementation of some attribute stuff. Nothing in this commit actually works but the game still launches! Will need to move item and armor stuff to a more generic file as well to make it less unique so it can be used broadly. Directory structure extended to add items and resources
2024-08-24 22:21:57 -0400
3716111b4a[5] Initial implementation of some attribute stuff. Nothing in this commit actually works but the game still launches! Will need to move item and armor stuff to a more generic file as well to make it less unique so it can be used broadly. Directory structure extended to add items and resources
2024-08-24 22:21:57 -0400
260d3ec1a9[5] one directory for you, and one for you, and one for...
2024-09-01 13:49:20 -0400
3795875cdf[5] Initial implementation of some attribute stuff. Nothing in this commit actually works but the game still launches! Will need to move item and armor stuff to a more generic file as well to make it less unique so it can be used broadly. Directory structure extended to add items and resources
2024-08-24 22:21:57 -0400
d94f405980[5] Initial implementation of some attribute stuff. Nothing in this commit actually works but the game still launches! Will need to move item and armor stuff to a more generic file as well to make it less unique so it can be used broadly. Directory structure extended to add items and resources
2024-08-24 22:21:57 -0400
6fce9f9bdcMerge branch 'issue/note-commands' into 'dev'
2024-08-25 02:29:11 +0000
f295c028d4[Historical] Committing for changes. Added colored chat in game + fleshed out more note commands
2024-08-10 15:19:42 -0400
14ebf3062eMerge branch 'issue/1-bank-manager' into 'dev'
2024-08-22 22:54:53 +0000
5898e4b912All changes made with a wire command only thing to note is potentially the...
2024-08-22 22:54:53 +0000
46bdc1aad4the playerlist is still funky not sure on how to get by name yet also the commits with return 0; you'll have to fix since they are no longer even close to the lines on the previous patch
Walrus2024-08-22 02:41:20 -0400
5b28fa4fc4All changes made with a wire command only thing to note is potentially the getPlayerNames() on line 155 needs to be changed but that is still uet to be tested on a real server with real accountsWalrus2024-08-15 18:24:19 -0400
4bcbc88a42Merge branch 'MakeDebugColored' into 'dev'
2024-08-10 19:27:39 +0000
26d288b39fDebugger Commands Colored for easier VisibilityWalrus2024-08-08 14:22:59 -0400
a355f13bb3Added ability to flash to and from json configuration file. Handling of notes works as well to test this
2024-08-03 13:11:33 -0400
49961bba71added player note stuff. UNTESTED
2024-08-02 16:02:25 -0400
3507b7e69aAdded start of frame work for converting json objects back to java via Notes
2024-08-01 00:03:46 -0400
6d82a8b6bcTested previously committed code and made adjustments to make sure it builds correctly. Finished Setup call to test for read and write privileges
2024-07-31 22:50:08 -0400
edd33c05fa[UNTESTED] Committing for historical reasons. Started to add SOME structure to code (though not done and needs refactoring). Have untested code and a thought at how starting up mod will be
2024-07-28 20:13:48 -0400
b8bcee9d7bTested and working commands for mod. Setup future structure of mod
2024-07-23 21:21:47 -0400
83d144c759Basic working project using OPENJDK 21 (jdk 21 for windows) and Minecraft 1.20 - requires java extension packs in vscode
2024-07-22 18:17:04 -0400