[BANKING] Additions in banking system in order to start getting balance changes... **UNTESTED**
Some checks failed
build / build (21) (push) Has been cancelled
Some checks failed
build / build (21) (push) Has been cancelled
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
rm ~/.minecraft/mods/keeblarcraft* # What else could be named this? Really now?
cp build/devlibs/*sources.jar ~/.minecraft/mods
cp build/libs/keeblarcraft-0.0.1.jar ~/.minecraft/mods
echo Moved minecraft to mods dir
@ -71,16 +71,34 @@ public final class BankManager {
return bank;
public void AdminSubtractFunds(String accountId, Integer amount) {
// Change the funds of an account from an administrative perspective
public void AdminChangeFunds(ServerPlayerEntity initiator, String accountId, Integer amount, String changeType, String optionalReason) {
// Check to make sure account id exists
Integer routingNum = AccountNumberGenerator.GetRoutingNumberFromId(accountId);
IndividualBank bankFromRout = GetBankByRoutingNumber(routingNum);
// Verify bank exists
if (bankFromRout != null) {
// Verify account exists
String accountNumber = AccountNumberGenerator.GetAccountNumberFromId(accountId);
switch (changeType) {
case "add":
bankFromRout.AddMoneyToAccount(accountNumber, amount);
case "subtract":
bankFromRout.SubtractMoneyFromAccount(accountNumber, amount);
case "set":
bankFromRout.SetMoneyOnAccount(accountNumber, amount);
System.out.println("The operation that was specified by the developer does not exist. Valid operations are add/subtract/set");
public void AdminSetFunds(String accountId, Integer amount) {
} else {
initiator.sendMessage(Text.of("That bank does not exist!"));
public void AdminAddFunds(String accountId, Integer amount) {
public void InitiateBankFundsTransfer(String fromAccount, String toAccount) {
@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ public class IndividualAccount {
this.accountNumberAlias = alias;
this.accountType = accountType;
this.bankLetterIdentifier = bankLetterIdentifier;
this.globalAccountNumber = bankLetterIdentifier + "-" + routingNumber + "-" + accountType + accountNumber;
@ -51,6 +50,11 @@ public class IndividualAccount {
// May have unintended consequences if account can't go negative
public void SetMoney(Integer amount) {
this.accountBalance = amount;
public void AliasAccount(String newAlias) {
this.accountNumberAlias = newAlias;
@ -210,6 +210,30 @@ public class IndividualBank {
return this.routingNumber;
public void AddMoneyToAccount(String accountId, Integer amount) {
IndividualAccount account = accounts.accountsList.get(accountId);
if (account != null) {
public void SubtractMoneyFromAccount(String accountId, Integer amount) {
IndividualAccount account = accounts.accountsList.get(accountId);
if (account != null) {
public void SetMoneyOnAccount(String accountId, Integer amount) {
IndividualAccount account = accounts.accountsList.get(accountId);
if (account != null) {
public Boolean CreateAccount(String holderUuid, String holderName, String accountTypeStr) {
Boolean success = false;
System.out.println("Attempting to create new bank account given args UUID / NAME / TYPE : " + holderUuid + " " + holderName + " " + accountTypeStr);
@ -73,6 +73,9 @@ public class BankCommands {
("wire", "The wire command allows a player to wire money from account to account. You can use /wire like /move ('/bank help move' for more) or more primarily for wiring to any other account. " +
"Example usage: \"/wire Notch 500 from 3181-31-3354\". Additional usage: \"/wire 9384-493-2912 400,000 from 3181-31-3354 with reason \"Groceries\"\". CRITICAL NOTE: Because of the way the banking " +
"system has its command structure setup - you **CANNOT** use aliases in wire commands! This is because aliases are only unique per PLAYER, not across the entire server."
("accounts", "The accounts command allows you to see all of your account information at all banks if you specify nothing else. (COMING IN FUTURE: [optional: ROUT # for bank specific info])"
@ -180,6 +183,17 @@ public class BankCommands {
return 0;
// General helper parse function and throws correct error for player if fails
public Integer ParseToInteger(ServerPlayerEntity player, String possibleInt, String helpCmd) {
Integer amount = 0;
try {
amount = Integer.parseInt(possibleInt);
} catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
HelpCommand(player, List.of(helpCmd));
return amount;
// Possible code paths ({}=required, []=optionals, ()=explanation):
// REQUIRED (path) = {SetBal|AddMoney|SubMoney} {LONG_ID|BANK_ID} {amount} (Depending on context, changes balance somehow from an account ID or bank)
// REQUIRED (path) = {GetBal} {LONG_ID:BANK_ID} (Gets the balance of a bank account or bank)
@ -193,17 +207,178 @@ public class BankCommands {
// REQUIRED (path) = {close-bank} {BANK_ID} (Closing a bank forces a close on all accounts. Banks money is returned to server bank)
// REQUIRED (path) = {lock-bank} {BANK_ID} (Freezes all activities through a bank)
// REQUIRED (path) = {unlock} {BANK_ID:ACCOUNT_ID:USER} (will unlock a bank, account, or all of a users accounts)
// REQUIRED (path) = {wire} from {ACCOUNT_ID} to {ACCOUNT_ID} (Forces a wire from one account to another. Overrides overdraft setting since it's administrative)
// REQUIRED (path) = {wire} {amount} from {ACCOUNT_ID} to {ACCOUNT_ID} (Forces a wire from one account to another. Overrides overdraft setting since it's administrative)
// REQUIRED (path) = {get-server-allowance} (Returns the rate of which the server adds money to itself magically & how much)
// REQUIRED (path) = {set-server-allowance} {amount} {interval} (Sets the magic allowance rate of server & period in which it does it to add money magically to server bank)
public void AdminCommand(ServerPlayerEntity sourcePlayer, List<String> argList) {
if (sourcePlayer.hasPermissionLevel(4)) {
// The player must be opped & the size must be at LEAST 2 (1 keyword + extra for sublist)
if (sourcePlayer.hasPermissionLevel(4) && argList.size() >= 2) {
String arg = argList.get(0);
List<String> remainingArgs = argList.subList(1, argList.size());
switch (arg) {
case "account":
case "accounts":
case "submoney":
case "subtract-money":
case "subtractmoney":
case "sub-money":
// Require account identifier + balance
if (remainingArgs.size() >= 2) {
String accountId = remainingArgs.get(0);
Integer amount = ParseToInteger(sourcePlayer, remainingArgs.get(1), "admin-set-balance");
String optionalReason = "";
if (remainingArgs.size() >= 3) {
optionalReason = remainingArgs.get(2);
AdminBalanceChange(sourcePlayer, accountId, amount, "subtract", optionalReason);
} else {
HelpCommand(sourcePlayer, List.of("admin-set-balance"));
case "addmoney":
case "add-money":
// Require account identifier + balance
if (remainingArgs.size() >= 2) {
String accountId = remainingArgs.get(0);
Integer amount = ParseToInteger(sourcePlayer, remainingArgs.get(1), "admin-set-balance");
String optionalReason = "";
if (remainingArgs.size() >= 3) {
optionalReason = remainingArgs.get(2);
AdminBalanceChange(sourcePlayer, accountId, amount, "add", optionalReason);
} else {
HelpCommand(sourcePlayer, List.of("admin-set-balance"));
case "setbal":
case "set-bal":
case "setbalance":
case "set-balance":
// Require account identifier + balance
if (remainingArgs.size() >= 2) {
String accountId = remainingArgs.get(0);
Integer amount = ParseToInteger(sourcePlayer, remainingArgs.get(1), "admin-set-balance");
String optionalReason = "";
if (remainingArgs.size() >= 3) {
optionalReason = remainingArgs.get(2);
AdminBalanceChange(sourcePlayer, accountId, amount, "set", optionalReason);
} else {
HelpCommand(sourcePlayer, List.of("admin-set-balance"));
case "getbal":
case "get-bal":
case "getbalance":
case "get-balance":
// Require account identifier
if (remainingArgs.size() >= 1) {
} else {
HelpCommand(sourcePlayer, List.of("admin-get-balance"));
case "createbank":
case "create-bank":
if (remainingArgs.size() >= 1) {
} else {
HelpCommand(sourcePlayer, List.of("admin-create-bank"));
case "closebank":
case "close-bank":
if (remainingArgs.size() >= 1) {
} else {
HelpCommand(sourcePlayer, List.of("admin-close-bank"));
case "forcewire":
case "force-wire":
case "wiremoney":
case "wire-money":
case "wire":
if (remainingArgs.size() >= 3) {
} else {
HelpCommand(sourcePlayer, List.of("admin-force-wire"));
case "lock-bank":
case "lockbank":
if (remainingArgs.size() >= 1) {
} else {
HelpCommand(sourcePlayer, List.of("admin-lock-bank"));
case "get-server-allowance":
case "getserverallowance":
case "setserverallowance":
case "set-server-allowance":
if (remainingArgs.size() >= 1) {
} else {
HelpCommand(sourcePlayer, List.of("admin-set-server-allowance"));
HelpCommand(sourcePlayer, List.of("admin-commands"));
} else {
sourcePlayer.sendMessage(Text.of("Only admins can use this command!"));
public String GetServerAllowance() {
return "";
public void AdminBalanceChange(ServerPlayerEntity player, String accountId, Integer amount, String type, String optionalReason) {
BankManager.GetInstance().AdminChangeFunds(player, accountId, amount, type, optionalReason);
public void AdminGetBalance(String accountId) {
public void AdminWireMoney(String fromAccount, String toAccount, Integer amount, String optionalReason) {
public void AdminCreateBank(String bankName, Integer initialBankBalance, Integer kbicInsuredAmount) {
public void AdminCloseBank(String bankIdentifier, String optionalReason, Boolean forceClosure) {
public void AdminAccounts() {
public void LockBank(String bankIdentifier, String optionalReason) {
public void LockPlayer(String playerName, String optionalReason) {
public void LockBankAccount(String accountId, String optionalReason) {
// Possible code paths:
// REQUIRED = {Routing # or Bank name}
// OPTIONAL = []
@ -219,7 +394,7 @@ public class BankCommands {
if (bank != null) {
System.out.println("Grabbing user account information");
List<IndividualAccount> userAccounts = bank.GetAccountsOfUser(sourcePlayer.getUuidAsString());
sourcePlayer.sendMessage(Text.of("------------[BANK INFO FOR " + bankName.toUpperCase() + "]------------"));
sourcePlayer.sendMessage(Text.of("[BANK INFO FOR " + bankName.toUpperCase() + "]"));
for (int i = 0; i < userAccounts.size(); i++) {
sourcePlayer.sendMessage(Text.of("ACCOUNT NUMBER: " + userAccounts.get(i).GetAccountNumber()));
sourcePlayer.sendMessage(Text.of("GLOBAL ACCOUNT NUMBER: " + userAccounts.get(i).GetGlobalAccountNumber()));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user